Under operation of the most precise and the lowest price dot alignment, no matter it is pointing at close or long distance, it is operating easy and quick with an industrial stabilized device of 650nm red laser diode module. From the very beginning design, it makes advanced use of qualified glass coated lens and import 650nm red laser diode. It is keeping work with high intensity and moderate brightness red laser light emission from laser beam aperture. Only if it gets constant power source supply and easy mounting onto any other industrial device or equipment, it just assures high stability, easy reaching and low price dot alignment for all raw material processing works.
Being made with ultra compact size tube design, available with anodized aluminum alloy housing material, this 650nm red laser diode module is only adopting different size tube diameter of 16mm and 26mmm. Available with wide range output power of 5mW to 100mW, there is always enough space leaving for inner cooling part of metal heat sink. It is getting superior nice thermal conductivity and wide range operating temperature stabilization. Whatever kind of working surface it is pointing, red dot laser alignment always allows the most convenient installation, and the easiest reaching of red dot projection onto any vertical or horizontal surface constantly.
In various precise dot measuring work fields, according to real work distance and lighting occasion, this red laser diode module should only be selecting with correct output power. Unless it is pointing under sunlight, it is able to make highly clear dot indication within the longest lasting distance of 25 meters. This glass coated lens made red dot laser just provides users ideal dot aligning source for industrial precise device manufacturing works, drilling system, laser marking, laser engraving and high tech work etc.
On basis of special use of extending electric wires for both 650nm red laser diode module and DC power supply, usually within the maximum installed distance of 3 meters, it makes easy reaching, no barrier and noncontact red dot alignment onto any vertical or horizontal surface. It should be working without sunlight. In addition, every time a correct output power is selecting, this red dot laser alignment also gets freely adjusted laser beam focus and red dot emitting direction, thus achieves high level of accuracy dot indication in use. Any time users are paying high attention to powerful red laser radiation and reflection, and wearing proper 650nm wavelength preventing laser safety goggles, it brings users no thermal energy hurt and highly secured red dot measurement for all application fields constantly.